My Interests

Hi there! I'm a second year PhD student in the Carrington Lab at the University of Washington. I'm interested in how organismal density and climate change alter local environments and ultimately biomechanical processes in aquaculture species. I use modeling and remote monitoring to examine how organismal densities affect environmental conditions, and transcriptomics to see how these conditions impact physiological mechanisms. I work to link environmental conditions to physiological responses to inform sustainable aquaculture practices and coastal conservation.

I am a proponent for open science and use an open access online lab notebook as well as GitHub to publicly share my research and support reproducibility.

About Me

I'm also an avid volleyball player and a recent transplant to the Pacific Northwest

Current Research Projects

I am looking at the genetic machinery underlying mussel byssal thread attachment. PI: Emily Carrington.

My second project will be building a heat budget model for oysters kept in tumble culture environments.

You can read about both of these projects in my lab notebook!



    University of Washington     Life Sciences Building 400

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