I ran some code from Matt to start the tag-seq alignment process (pretty sure we’re aligning to a new transcriptome that members of the Roberts lab assembled). Here’s all the QC and trimming code. For some reason when I try to run commands with Matt’s data it says permission denied, so I’ve just been redoing the qc stuff in my own directory and it’s worked well, but if you know how to deal with the permission issue let me know, because he’s done all the QC already and has it stored in his Raven folder.
```{bash, engine.opts=’-l’} echo $PATH
# Download tag-seq data
I appear to have the raw data in .fastq files in my directory (in addition to the fastq.gz files), so I think this step worked and the next worked.
mkdir raw-data/
cd raw-data/
wget -r \
--no-directories --no-parent \
-P . \
-A .fastq.gz https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/panopea/PSMFC-mytilus-byssus-pilot/20220405-tagseq/ \
unzip .fastq.gz files
cd raw-data/
gunzip *.fastq.gz
Run fastqc on untrimmed files
mkdir fastqc/
mkdir fastqc/untrimmed/
/home/shared/FastQC/fastqc \
/home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/PSMFC-mytilus-byssus-pilot/raw-data/*.fastq \
--outdir /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/PSMFC-mytilus-byssus-pilot/fastqc/untrimmed/ \
Run multiqc
eval "$(/opt/anaconda/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate
cd fastqc/untrimmed/
multiqc .
trim adapter sequences
Here’s where I’m getting stuck, I need to install cutadapt but I can’t as I am not “the root.” If I could run this code in Matt’s folder then it wouldn’t be an issue, because he has it installed (I also wouldn’t even need to do this because he’s done the QC already).
mkdir trim-fastq/
cd raw-data
for F in *.fastq
#strip .fastq and directory structure from each file, then
# add suffix .trim to create output name for each file
results_file="$(basename -a $F)"
# run cutadapt on each file
/home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/.local/bin/cutadapt $F -a A{8} -a G{8} -a AGATCGG -u 15 -m 20 -o \
# Before trimming
! wc -l /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/PSMFC-mytilus-byssus-pilot/merged-fastq/*.fastq
# After trimming
! wc -l /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/PSMFC-mytilus-byssus-pilot/trim-fastq/*.fastq
This is from when Matt put it all together.
# Reads remaining after trimming and filtering (%)
Run fastqc on trimmed files
Haven’t been able to do this yet b/c of the cutadapt/permissions issue.
mkdir fastqc/
mkdir fastqc/trimmed/
/home/shared/FastQC/fastqc \
/home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/PSMFC-mytilus-byssus-pilot/merged-fastq/*.fastq \
--outdir /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/PSMFC-mytilus-byssus-pilot/fastqc/trimmed/ \
Run multiqc on trimmed files
Haven’t been able to do this yet b/c of the cutadapt/permissions issue.
eval "$(/opt/anaconda/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate
cd fastqc/trimmed/
multiqc .
Interleave sequences
Haven’t been able to do this yet b/c of the cutadapt/permissions issue.
cd trim-fastq/
for filename in *_R1_*.fastq
# first, make the base by removing .extract.fastq.gz
base=$(basename $filename .fastq)
echo $base
# now, construct the R2 filename by replacing R1 with R2
echo $baseR2
# construct the output filename
(interleave-reads.py ${base}.fastq ${baseR2}.fastq | \
gzip > $output)
concatenate fastq files by lane
Haven’t been able to do this yet b/c of the cutadapt/permissions issue. ```{bash} mkdir merged-fastq cd trim-fastq/
printf ‘%s\n’ .fastq | sed ‘s/^([^_]_[^_])./\1/’ | uniq | while read prefix; do cat “$prefix”R1.fastq >”${prefix}_R1.fastq” # cat “$prefix”R2.fastq >”${prefix}_R2.fastq” # include if more than one run done