We lost a good amount of tags this summer, so when we lost tags we supplemented them with untagged random oysters from the bag to get 15 per bag. They are labeled in the datasheet, so I’ve included the following graphs of data with the random oysters added on when needed, and then graphs with the random ones removed.
With random oysters
Effort B
Effort D
Without random oysters
Effort B
Effort D
Looks like length hit a big increase between beginning of August and mid-September, whereas width and height saw less of that increase. This might also be a byproduct of me using the same y axis limits for all graphs. I re-ran the code to have a smaller y-range for the height graph and saw that height still got a big jump over this past growth period but not quite as dramatic as the jump for length.
I plan to run a GLM on relationships between all the morphometric parameters with effects of treatment and effort. Hopefully this will shed some more light on how these parameters increase together.