Live oysters
Mean live oysters per treatment
Had only 2 dead oysters in our cursed weekly bag this week.
Live oysters in B
Live oysters in D
You can see that decline in that one bag that I was discussing above (bag 22), that bag is now down to 72 oysters.
Dead oysters
Cumulative mean dead oysters per bag
Cumulative dead in the weekly treatment continues to increase, but the standard error gets bigger, as the death is only increasing rapidly in one bag.
Cumulative dead oysters effort B
Cumulative dead oysters effort D
Again, we can see our cursed bag rise above the ranks.
Proportion survived
Mean proportion survived
Counts were a little weird this week, some of our oysters were reported as missing, but I think they might’ve just gotten caught in the smaller mesh bag, so they weren’t counted. We’ll see next week.